The mountain called "Feldberg" 
With more enthusiasm than knowledge it is called the highest mountain top in the Black Forest. Without doubt it is the highest peak with its 1493 meters.
Yet a peak it is not it is the highest elevation of a broad low mountain range, which is several kilometres long. Three round and wooded domes rise from this massif and the highest of the three is called "Feldberg". On its top there is a 21-meter-high tower with a radar station. There is also a meteorological station to be found here.
The mountain called "Baldenweger Buck" (1461m) lies in the northeast of this dome. Aerials for NATO are installed here. In the southeast you find the mountain called "Seebuck" (1448m) with a Bismarck memorial and a TV tower. On clear days you have a beautiful view as far as the Swiss mountain ranges.
Those mountains show no alpine characteristics. Roads lead up to all three of them. There are also a lot of hiking paths. In the eighteenth century Martin Gebert, the abbot of the monastery "St Blasien" mentioned that the mountain called "Feldberg" had better be called cattle mountain because there were so many rich pastures there. He added that herbs and specific roots grew among the grass especially in the higher region of these mountains which were useful both for curing and for fattening of the cattle.
In the year 1813 there were in deed six big shelters for animals near the top of the mountain. These shelters were not used only by cattle but also by hikers and people that gathered fungi when the weather was bad. Those shelters were replaced by houses made of stone which you find up there today. They are called the "Menzenschwander" or the "Todtnauer" house. Since the year 1891 people have gone in for winter sports in this region. There are 20 ski lifts around to take the skiers up the slopes.
> The Regions
> The Black Forest is divided into three areas
> Famous Roads
> Homeland of the Rafters
> Lakes and the Highest Mountain
> Glaciers and Lakes: The Primeval Landscape
> The Upland Moors: The typical landscape
> At the Schluchsee
> Lake Titisee
> The Höllental
> The gorge of the Wutach
> The Belchen
> The Schauinsland
> The mountain called Feldberg
> The lake called Feldsee in the Feldberg massif
> In the region called Hotzenwald
> Four valleys in the Hotzenwald region
> The fifth valley in the Hotzenwald
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